CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found primarily in the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. It’s one of many powerful cannabinoids found in hemp, and is known for supporting body and mind in various ways.*



What Are The Benefits Of CBD And Full-Spectrum Hemp Supplements?

Many people integrate CBD into their health routine to support their cellular and molecular health.* CBD, or cannabidiol, is just one of over 100+ cannabinoids that can be extracted from hemp. In fact, scientists found that these plant compounds have a better effect on the body when they work together, rather than alone. This means that CBD and all those other great compounds can support the body more fully than just CBD. And how, exactly, do they provide support to the body? Among the many benefits that our users experience, some of the main ones are: a sense of calm for focus; relief from everyday stresses; help in recovery from exercise-induced inflammation; and support for healthy sleep cycles*. RCO WORLD CBD is a full-spectrum cannabinoid extract with CBD and other cannabinoids and beneficial plant compounds like terpenes and flavonoids. Since research shows that using the full plant maximizes benefits delivered throughout the body and supplies additional wellness components, we make sure to give you as much of Mother Nature’s goodness as we can., pulvinar dapibus leo.

What Is The Difference Between Hemp Oil And Hemp Extract?

There’s so much confusion between these terms. Some people refer to “hemp oil” when speaking about hemp seed oil while others use it as shorthand to refer to an oil that carries CBD (cannabidiol) extract. Let’s tackle the first one first: oil from hemp seeds is primarily composed of dietary fats, which means it can provide benefits for skin but does not include all of the same plant compounds (such as CBD). These phytocannabinoids — cannabidiol, among others– are found naturally in the leaves and flowers (also known as “aerial parts”) of hemp. After deriving the cannabinoids from plant parts during our production process, we’re left with a full-spectrum hemp extract that retains a range of the phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids – all of which are found naturally in hemp. This extract is then diluted with a carrier oil to make the final RCO WORLD CBD product, whether that be our hemp extract oils or capsules.

Will RCO WORLD CBD Show Up On A Drug Test?

As a full-spectrum cannabinoid extract, in addition to cannabidiol (CBD) and more than 80 other cannabinoids in hemp, RCO WORLD CBD may contain a trace amount of the cannabinoid THC, less than .3%. Much like the consumption of poppy seeds may lead to a positive drug test for opioids, the consumption of certain hemp products may lead to a positive drug test for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is inherently present in trace amounts in hemp plants. The legal limit of THC in hemp is no more than 0.3%. It’s important to understand that the underlying science behind the conversion of certain cannabinoids to other related cannabinoids when consumed is not yet fully understood. If you are subject to drug testing we strongly suggest consulting your health care provider before consuming any hemp products because individual biochemistry, the potential for the conversion of cannabinoids, and the possibility of trace, but legal, amounts of THC inherent in hemp products are all factors to consider.


The human body has a vast network of receptors, called the Endocannabinoid System. The purpose of this system is to help our body stay balanced and in good overall health, even when external factors and certain lifestyle choices diminish our wellbeing. CBD and other cannabinoids fit into the receptors of the Endocannabinoid System, helping the body complete its efforts to keep us in good health by supporting many of the body’s physical processes. Learn more about the Endocannabinoids System.